Caritas Poland

Partner 3A

Caritas Poland



Official address

 Caritas Polska, 01-015 Warszawa, Skwer Kard. Wyszyńskiego 6

Contact person

 Andrzej Czarnocki

Telephone n°

 +48 22 827 59 76

Fax n°

  +48 22 827 59 76

E-mail address


Number of staff (permanent and non-permanent)

 Caritas Polska employs 20 permanent staff at its office in Warsaw and is a coordinating body for diocesan Caritas organizations throughout the country employing 4400 permanent staff. Caritas has thousands of volunteers in most of the parishes across Poland. Caritas works with all kinds of problems: the number of permanent staff concerned directly with the homeless is about 400 and with mentally ill about 200.


History of co-operation with the applicant

 Exchange of correspondence concerning the D&H-5P project

Role and involvement in preparing the proposed project


Role and involvement in implementing the proposed project

 Providing information on the situation of disadvantaged and marginalized groups in Poland, as well as on activities on their behalf by NGO’s and public authorities.

Preparation (in cooperation with Barka) of the study visits, individual contacts with officials and the Small Seminar in Warsaw in March 2004.  Preparation (in cooperation with Barka) of the Final Conference in Prague in June 2004


The justification of the participation on D&H-5Projects by Caritas

Diocesan Caritas organizations run over 40 shelters expressly for the homeless people in Poland providing them with various services. Caritas is thus naturally concerned with the lot of this group. We are also aware of the manifold reasons and the gradual processes of marginalization taking place in our society of which homelessness is but an extreme expression. These processes seem to have been on the increase since the overthrow of the Communist system. A polarization is taking place within  society and the divide grows between those who manage to catch up with rapid social and technological developments and those who for various reasons do not. People with all kinds of mental handicaps – from diseases, addictions, and disturbances to sheer sense of  disempowerment and helplessness – constitute a meaningful part of Polish society and despite efforts on the part of authorities and NGO’s continue to be marginalized by various mechanisms and practices. Hence the need for a strategy of inclusion in which EU membership and context could play a significant role.

One important aspect of the present situation, especially in the context of the main subject  theme envisaged for the Small Seminar in Warsaw (which is Marginalization vs. Work), is the introduction of a new law on “social employment” in Poland. This law aims at creating structures and mechanisms facilitating reintegration of the marginalized individuals into the job market. Caritas is deeply involved  through one of its local organizations, namely of Kielce region,  in the work on the initiation and implementation of this new law. Caritas Kielce belongs to the Confederation of Social NGO’s (headed by Barka),  which was formed for that purpose.

List of target groups and participants in the event, of direct and indirect beneficiaries


1. Representatives of central and local government (Ministry of Health; Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy; officials from local government in Warsaw responsible for social matters and cooperation with NGO’s)

2. NGO’s working in the field (e.g. Towarzystwo Pomocy Św. Br. Alberta; Monar-Markot; Chleb Życia, Koalicja na Rzecz Zdrowia Psychicznego)

3. Representatives of the media 

Target groups:

Various categories of disadvantaged and marginalized groups, i.e.: the homeless, the mentally ill, the children and youth from dysfunctional families, the disabled.


Reasons for the selection of the target groups and participants in the event and activities

Close cooperation of public (central and local) authorities with relevant NGO’s is indispensable for  tackling the problems of marginalization. While public authorities are equipped with decision-making powers, legal prerogatives, specialized structures and financial means, the NGO’s have expertise and field personnel. There is a need to combine both sides in a way that would benefit the recipients of aid in a real and sustainable way. There is further need of NGO’s coming more together both in field work and exchanges with the government. European  context is also very important as it enables the exchange and influence by examples of good practice.  In all this media have its role to play .

Relevance of the project to the target groups or participants in the event

Both governmental and non-government side try to pursue the same goal of reducing the sphere of marginalization. Good communication, understanding are necessary to achieve this objective. More common planning should take place.

Relevance of the project to the objectives of the programme

The project will bring together important agents in the field within Poland and on the European plane thus heightening awareness, strengthening the working environment and animating sensible actions to improve the lot of the ultimate users.

Relevance of the project to the priorities of the programme


A preliminary list of speakers & participants

To be worked out in cooperation with Barka  

Level of involvement-activity of other organisations, partners or others, in the project

Caritas Polska is a coordinating body for the network of over 40 diocesan Caritas organizations. We shall seek first of participation and representation in the project  of the local Caritas organization working with the homeless, mentally ill and other marginalized  groups. Besides other NGO’s of the Warsaw locality will be invited to participate to complement, if necessary, the representation by the Confederation of Social NGO’s led by Barka. 


smeseu@skynet.be        wydawnictwo@caritas.pl