DIGNITY   and   WELL-BEING                  resume                  

transnational exchanges & inter-visions project,

concerning the pathways  and  interventions for

homeless people with mental health problems

   PROFILES 2015  of  D-&-WB AGENDA Warsaw 1-2-3/10/15 GUIDELINE Warsaw Workshop  INFO  Warsaw  1-2-3 /10  PARTICIPANTS Warsaw


Homeless living in severe & chronic social, physical, psychical precariousness are a symptom of the malaise of our civilization and a permanent injury to democracy and social cohesion. They are almost provocation and challenge both for those working in this sector and for those who should be responsible of the polis / citizens.
Despite any proposal for aid, they seems to prefer life in the street or in a emergency centers, shelter, squats.

WHY some of these homeless people in this conditions seems to refuse any planned and institutionalized help ?

AIM of the project

SMES-Europa, following these findings, proposed  Dignity & Well-being', transnational project for exchanges of experience and knowledge in the field of social precariousness : extreme poverty  and  health sector: mental illness, in order to promote adequate, effective and respectful answers, ensuring the dignity and well-being for each person and access to fundamental right and to basic services.


People who live in situations of extreme social & health precariousness, living mainly in the street - emergency shelter - squat - institutions..., with evident mental health problems, characterized by accumulation of deprivation that exacerbates their exclusion, reinforcing mental health problems. These persons refusing any form of institutionalized cure and programmed care, needs at same time of real and humanistic support of social solidarity and protection.  


SMES propose to analyze the context, interventions and daily practices, based on inter-vision, on qualitative study of some 'profile/study of case that focus attention on the person for which the intervention have been programmed.
First overall: how listening & understanding the person beyond of expressed needs.  
What kind of intervention - networking – possible & appropriate? What propose for participation & inclusion?   


SMES-Europa with its transnational network, working on social & health sectors.
Workers on front line, on the streets, shelters and in emergency centers, who meet,  support, accompany and orient these people in processes of inclusion and participation.

PLAN of ACTION 2015-2016   at   Local   -   Transnational   -   European    level.


Local team working for homeless & mentally ill people, will prepare individual analysis / profile - of some emblematic situation of 3-5 homeless.  These 'profiles' will be more than a simple picture, but almost a radiography, which should highlight the interconnections and interactions of the complex needs of homeless people, who too often repeated: we all tried, we can longer nothing!   
cf.  http://www.smes-europa.org/D-&-W_profiles-EN.htm

This profile , will be at base of the project in order to listen the voice, understand the needs, propose the more adequate and holistic answer, that will evaluate in inter-vision by a local team following this focus points :  
1°  social context;    2° health context;    3° Interventions;     4° networking;      5°
http://www.smes-europa.org/FORM_D-& - W_EN.htm

2 0 1 7

Hearing  - EU Parl.

XIV seminar European SMES-Europa, will take place in Brussels (23 years after the 2nd seminar SMES - 1993), in the goal to share projects, initiatives, innovations, concerns and proposals.
The hearing in the European Parliament will conclude the initiative: will be the priority policy proposals for a new social policy, fair and attentive to people in situations of precariousness.

Provisional Calendar

YEAR 2015-16

1. Warszawa
1-3  October 2015

2. Athens
     14-15-16 April 2016

3. Copenhagen
  27-28-29 October  2016

The people living – in permanent way - in extreme health & social precariousness : Home-less  -  Health-less 
Hope-less  will be the target of each of these three workshops and exchange programs.
The participants with their presentations and discussions will   introduce  –  exchange  -  inter-view  about interventions in favor of homeless person by :  

1. Health Institution : emergency health services, psychiatric institution, mental health services …

2. Emergency shelters:  shelters – hostels  

3. Housing with support & supervision

The Street workers Team - outreach  will be present,  in transversal way,  in each of these interventions  

The first Exchange Program will organized in Warsaw, the 1-2-3 October by Polish SMES Members and is aimed primarily at those who have prepared and sent already some profiles of people in very  precariousness situation and interventions.

The speeches of local experts will open the three workshops mentioned above, that will followed by speeches of external experts and discussions /inter-vision between participants delegates of invited Associations.

Each speaker will prepare & sent at less one ‘profiles / case studies' if possible in English, according with the common protocol. The conclusions will help to prepare the Final Seminar and the hearing in EU Parliament.

16-17-18 MARCH  2017

XIV EU Seminar

PREPARATION & realization of 14th European Seminar SMES and the hearing in the European Parliament: on the theme: "Dignity & well-being: the person listened and heard beyond the necessary needs assistance. »

Some profiles already received, focusing our attention on this great themes:

a.       Deinstitutionalization and Prevention: indissoluble binomial both in programming and in action.

b.      Inside and out: which connection between workers & projects on streethospital – shelter- housing first?

c.       Networks and networking for a person-specific attention, its rights by ensuring access.

d.      Recommended priorities : what kind of  strategic proposals and Europeans strategies?

Mai  2017

Hearing at the European Parliament

§  Project: http://www.smes-europa.org/D-&-WB_project_EN.htm;  cf. Resume in attached file

§  Background of Project:  http://www.smes-europa.org/DIGNITY_&_WELLBEING.htm

§  ‘Vision & wounds’ : http://www.smes-europa.org/D-&-WB_Visible-Invisible_WOUNDS.htm 

§  Profiles :  http://www.smes-europa.org/D-&-W_profiles-EN.htm;

SMES-Europa - Secretary   Tel. / fax: (+) 32.2.5385887 -    mob; +32.475634710       -   E-mail: smeseu@smes-europa.org