Action type |
Cooperation partnership in
vocational education and training
/ National ID 21PCP0009) |
Context - Field |
Vocational Education and Training
Application Program |
Erasmus+ |
Call 2021 Round 1 |
Context Field Vocational Education and Training |
Project Title |
SUPPORTS promoting accessibility - improving e-quality -
reinforcing co-working |
Project Acronym
Re-emerging |
Start Date |
01/02/2022 |
Project Duration |
30 Months |
End Date |
31/07/2024 |
National Agency |
AEF - Europe
The project aims at creating a strategic partnership for vocational
education and training of professionals working with homeless and
refugees with a special focus on the most deprived and severely
mentally ill.
It will try to identify
pathways that improve professionals abilities to listen and
understand their voice and needs, and also to design and propose
more adequate answers that increase their physical and psychical
wellbeing as well as their dignity and access to rights.
The projects intends to
build an international network of professionals working with
homeless and refugees with mental health problems in different kinds
of organizations and countries, to promote workshops based on the
presentation and discussions of cases studies, in order to identify
difficulties and good practices, and also aims at producing in the
end training tools that can be shared and spread among other
professionals in each country
WHY despite increasing the number
and diversity of services offered, despite professionalism and
important training for workers, despite increasing social and health
budget, especially in many metropolis, a certain number of homeless
& mentally ill people - seemed - preferred to stay on the street
rather than accept the solution offered by the services ?
Are the interventions integrate
social & health, coherent with real request of person in need,
respectful of the dignity, accessible to marginalized and excluded
people everywhere they are, congruent and sustainable?
Are sufficient and adequate
services in emergency centers?
To identify models and good practices to facilitate ACCESS of
homeless people to SERVICES and to enable social and health workers,
of public and private sectors to meet Homeless Mentally Ill People
where they are.
The Dignity and Well-being (D-&-WB) SMES project to
address especially at those workers who are particularly confronted
with people living on the margins, with complex social & health
problems and needs.
The project propose these specific
Promote and facilitate networking and a great collaboration
among the workers of Institutions, Organizations, Associations
involved in the ‘extreme precariousness’ field, in order to
achieve effective synergies and transform the different daily
practices into effective networking models.
Building the capacities of each participant, through
international and intersectoral exchanges, through study's
visits, workshops promoting listening and confrontation about
the differences both of the problems and of the methodologies
and adequate and efficient answers to be adapted
Identify efficient and innovative services and structures
able to prevent the chronicity of problems sometimes only social
or health problems, recommending absolute priorities both in
terms of prevention and sustainability.
Involve all civil society: politicians, administrators,
citizens and media, because this is a structural problem of
society and not only and specific for professional workers .
Life-long learning: taking advantage of this opportunity to
continue in this initiative by fostering the progressive
establishment of a network that aims at continue even after the
project has been completed.
BE - SMES-Europa
is the applicant Organisation networking with the nine
Partners in this Project, in order to support professional
workers in the social, health & mental health field, in
private & and public services, including volunteers, who,
day by day, are faced with a set of complex needs, new
issues and challenges |
IT - Coordinamento Toscano Marginalità,
operates at the level of day and night centres, attentive
to person promotion and rehabilitation . Its mission is to
fight poverty and every form of social exclusion. CTM staff
helps homeless people through individualised project to end
housing exclusion situations. CTM
was one of the founders of SMES-Italia, a national network
connected to SMES-Europa, that operates in the field of
homelessness and mental health |
LV - EAPN-Latvia:
focuses on Poverty & Fundamental Rights - Wealth &
Inequalities - Empowerment and Employment. The Association
work as a part of the European Anti-Poverty Network for a
safe society , free from poverty and social exclusion, where
economic, social and cultural rights shall be available for
all. provide opportunities for people living in poverty and
social exclusion . |
an independent Civil Society Organisation (Non Profit
main goal are: a) the planning and implementation of
projects of development, humanitarian and medical nature;
b) the eradication of social & economic exclusion of
vulnerable social groups and the defense of their personal
and social rights. |
SI - ŠENT - Slovenian Association for Mental Health -
The purpose of the association is to protect
the human rights and dignity of persons with mental health
problems, to achieve a higher level of integration into
society and to increase their employability. We carry out
activities in the areas of advocacy, psychosocial and
employment rehabilitation, and the creation of new jobs. |
Copenhagen, is a NGO umbrella Organisation. Offering
several different services to vulnerable and homeless men
and women. Most of the users of the services are drug
addicts. Among things we offer food, shelter, DCR’s, contact
with the established psychiatric system and examination.
The mission of Mens’s Home is to contribute to homeless
and vulnerable people being given the opportunity to
recognise and user their own resources to realize a good
life and contribute to diverse society. |
FI - lla vakinaista asuntoa
Fixed Abode
is a grassroot organization founded by homeless themselves
and is free of political and religious backrounds. No fixed
abode aim is get rid of temporary solutions and make sure
that everyone gets the opportunity to live independently and
get the right support for it. Specificity of the
organisation is the Participation of homeless people and
people who have experienced homelessness |
The aim is to offer an alternative to the street and
isolation, space and time to calm down, feel safe and begin
regaining control of his/her life, human contact and
relation. To accompany a person on his/her road to informed
decisions about him/herself. Support - Relationship -
Empowerment |
PT - NPISA - Lisbon
: The Homeless Planning and Intervention Centre (NPISA) is
a product of the Social Network, based on a tripartite
structure, between the Social Security Institute, Santa Casa
da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) and the Lisbon City
We promote integrated intervention between the institutions
that work with the Homeless People, in the promotion of
their conditions of autonomy and citizenship. |

(Research Institute for Work and Society) is a
multidisciplinary research Institute of the University of Leuven.
The research team ‘Poverty and social inclusion’
facilitates professional development, teaching and
dissemination in this project. |
project will to involve partners working especially in 4 different
sectors, who are 4 pillars in supporting inclusive and participative
Social Assistance;
Mental health;
Housing sector;
Participation citizenship.
involve in co-working professional workers in social – health -
mental health field, in private and public services, including
volunteers’ people, who, day by day, are faced with a set of old and
new issues, complex needs, with political and social pressures, far
from the ethical respect of person dignity.
to promote, by means of a
questionnaire elaborated with the collaboration of the
university partner KUL, an initial and reciprocal knowledge of
both the partners of the project working in favour of people in
a situation of great social and health precariousness and the
Associations offering emergency services in the different
partner countries.
PROFILES collected by Each Partner about SERVICES and PERSON in
need, concerning accessibility and welcome - e-quality and
congruence - sustainability and care. These Profiles will be
collected in final synthetic report.
STUDY’s VISITS of SERVICES in 4 European countries,
each two months, concerning the 4th fields : social – health –
housing – recovery, including 4th inter-vision workshops after
study's visits program - in order to deepest exchange visions
about people – services – method, collecting through a common
protocol and final small seminar
and small seminars - after study's visits program - in order to
deepest exchange visions about people – services – method,
collecting through a common protocol.
4 WEBINARS alternating with study visits in order deepest
analyse the PROFILES / Narratives collected by Each Partner
about ‘PERSON’ in need and ‘SERVICES’ offered concerning
accessibility and quality - congruence & sustainability. These Profiles will be collected in final synthetic report.
> event at Eu Parliament Brussels;
1st semester 2024 :
transnational seminar
METHODOLOGY to be used in
carrying out the project : learning for teaching
Observe and listening carefully : visiting the services
system, listen and observe.
Evaluate participating at inter-vision meetings with the
the information concerning
prevention and innovation
OBJECTIVES : What do you want to achieve by implementing the
The title of our project ‘Person First’ was chosen by analogy
with the ‘Housing First’ approach in the fight against
homelessness. Without denying the importance and effectiveness
of Housing First policies, our project starts from the premise
that shelters and related services will keep playing an
indispensable role as ‘entry-level’ services for homeless
The fact that tens of thousands of people still live and sleep
in the streets of Europe, despite the existence of shelters,
calls into question the quality of these services: apparently,
there is a mismatch between the needs of homeless persons and
the services offered to them.
Homelessness is often a state of mental rather than material
distress. Instead of reducing the role of shelters to basic
material services (a roof, a bed, a shower, a breakfast etc.) we
see shelters as a person-centered place of encounter crossroads, diagnosis
observatory and re-connecting
bridge. The fight against homelessness and housing
exclusion is gaining momentum in European social policy.
The covid-19 crisis has raised awareness of the poor hygienic
conditions in reception facilities and probably force shelters
to invest in more decent infrastructure and, in this sense,
contribute to enhancing the quality of the services on offer.
The lockdown measures also revealed the need for more integrated
service provision – including mental healthcare, as residents
had to stay in shelters 24/7 and for longer periods.
Interestingly, homeless services as well as policy makers
discovered the effectiveness of integrated approaches.
This experience will undoubtedly inform the implementation of
Principle 19c of the European Pillar of Social Rights (‘adequate
shelter and services for homeless people in order to promote
their social inclusion’). Through a combination of peer
learning, research, training and dissemination, our project aims
to contribute to a set of social minimum standards for the
quality of emergency (or should we say ‘re-emergence’?) services
for homeless people.
Our project will also include opportunities for dialogue with (selforganisations
of) homeless people, so that they can voice their own needs and
expectations from services. In the final stage, we aim to share
our conclusions with national and European policy makers,
because national action plans to fight homelessness should raise
the quality - and European social minimum standards should
prevent the degradation of services in regions / cities where
homeless services are being commercialised.
ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATION that's the main objective of
"Dignity and Well-being” : to identify models and good practices to
facilitate ACCESS of homeless people to SERVICES and to enable
social and health workers, of public and private sectors to meet
HOMELESS mentally ill people where they are. The D-&-WB project to
address especially at those who are particularly confronted with
people living on the margins, with complex social & health problems
and needs. We propose these specific objectives:
Promote and facilitate networking and a great collaboration
among the workers of Institutions, Organizations, Associations
involved in the ‘extreme precariousness’ field, in order to
achieve effective synergies and transform the different daily
practices into effective networking models.
Building the capacities of each participant, through
international and intersectorial exchanges, through study's
visits, workshops promoting listening and confrontation about
the differences both of the problems and of the methodologies
and adequate and efficient answers to be adapted
Identify efficient and innovative services and structures able
to prevent the chronicisation of problems sometimes only social
or health problems, recommending absolute priorities both in
terms of prevention and Implementation: What activities are you
going to implement?
what project results and other
outcomes do you expect your project to have?
- 1. Improving the knowledge of professionals
- 2. Participation of the institution and policy makers in
health and social services
- 3. Participation of formal and informal training
- 4. Transforming the charitable approach with homeless in
respect of the fundamental rights
- 5. Building capacity to co-working together: public &
private services – health & social sectors
- 6. Improving knowledge about complex needs and adequate
- 7. Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and trainingThis application
form consists
of the following main sections
What is the expected
impact on the participants, participating organisations, target
groups and other relevant stakeholders?
The project will be
an item on the curriculum of each organisation and it will be
incorporated in the learning activities of all project members. All
appropriate learners will receive information about the project, its
objectives and opportunities during their induction, on-going
training, etc as appropriate at the start of the project. This will
include language and cultural preparation. All learners will draw up
an Individual Learning Plan, which will identify their individual
aims and the expected benefits of the visit for them as well as
identifying the relevance of the visit to their curriculum and
future training or employment. On the return from their visit, each
learner will contribute to the Visit Report and be supported to
evaluate the visit against their Individual Learning Plan.
The impact we expect
on the partecipant is mainly the improving of the resources to
approach the condition of deep social exclusion. Building new tools
and new way to solve the difficulties and the complexity linked with
the homeless condition it will become a new way to work for the
social and sanitary workers employed in the organizations involved
in the project.
All partners
undertake to include the project as an on-going item at all relevant
meetings involving staff at their organisation. We anticipate that
visits may introduce partners to new ways of thinking about,
delivering and managing education and training and it is anticipated
that visits will have an immediate effect on some partners, who will
be able to adapt good practice that they see in other partners.
Based on the better understanding of other partners', their cultures
and methodologies we will involve relevant new elements into our
respective methodologies and modify or update our respective
organisational curriculums and practices.
The desired impact
of the project at the local, regional, national, European and/or
international levels :
We envisage that
this project will have an impact within each partner organisation,
each region or country that the partners operate in and throughout
the EU via the identification and analysis of the differences and
similarities that leads to the recognition of common models,
protocols, guidelines, structures, mechanisms, policies, processes,
etc relating to good practice in the training of adults as trainers.
1. Learners (ie:
social and health workers employed in the organizsations involved in
the project) to better develop their individual skills and
competences, which will help them to improve their capacity to
effectively approach groups and individuals in the various
marginalised, isolated and vulnerable communities that partner
organisations engage with
2. Partner
organisations to have identified models of good practices in the
contact, support and help of homeless people and psychiatric
distress people and this information to be disseminated within each
partner organisation, other organisations workingwith the same or
similar target groups in the partner organisation's country
3. Partner
organisations to identify models of good practices in the monitoring
and evaluation of training learning by doing programme; this
information will be disseminated within each partner organisation,
other organisations delivering education to the same or similar
communities in each country and the wider lifelong learning
community across Europe
4. Improvements in
the delivery of training to our learners (ie: our trainers) by our
We expect to gaining, at the end of the project, the opportunity to
show and share the results and the guidelines elaborated with
regional, national and european institutions to discuss and propose
new politics and new intervention strategy on the homeless question.
At regional level we
expect the opportunity to open discussion tables focused on the
homeless question with other organizations working on our same field
and with the institutions.
At European level
there will be recommended some priorities in social & health policy
through a document presented to the Commissioner of Employment and
Social affairs.
How will you measure
the previously mentioned impacts?
We will measure the
impact expected on the partecipant through the analysis of the
diffusion and the utilization of the tools built during the project
and of the good practices evidenced.
The organization of
meetings in regions to bring as many actors together . The number of
participants of this event can show as an indicator of how much the
theme of the project will be disseminated. In addition, the number
of press articles, the visitors of websites and the frequenting of
relevant forums of social media more meaningful indicators that
provide information on the effectiveness of the project and its
activities .
We will measure the
impact expected at regional level through the number of tables to
discuss and share the project's results realized.
Istitutional level
We will measure the
impact on the institutions through the number of public meetings
will be organized and the opportunities we will realize to discuss
and share the project's results in the istitutional seats.
Another indicator
will be contacts resulting from the project work and people and
institutions have achieved in other parts of Europe.
and Use of Projects' Results
You are requested to
make plans for the dissemination of your project results. Please
provide answers to the questions below.
To whom will you
disseminate the project results inside and outside your
organisation? Please define in particular your target audience(s) at
local/regional/national/EU level and motivate your choice.
The target groups of
the dissemination are various:
1) Social and health
workers employed in the partner organizations
2) social and health
workers employed in organizations not involved in the project
3) regional
4) national
5) European
The organization
responsible of the dissemination activities will be SMES Europe.
This is because SMES Europe is an international network connected
with nationals and europeans institutions and because of its long
experience in building and in maintaining an international network
through the realization of public meetings, seminaries, and similar.
Every partner will
be responsabile for the dissemination process in their own country,
sharing with other organizations the products and tools generated by
the project
The applicant
organization will be responsibile for the process management and to
verify the timing of activities insuring the respectof deadlines.
The project aims at
the dissemination of actions and tools that will raise the awareness
of the complexity of homeless and refugee conditions and preprare
the professionals to give adequate responses to their needs. The
dissemination of the project will become, therefore, an opportunity
to disseminate values and information on the approach to these
complex problems. The individualpartners and the network itself will
be vehicles to spread information and trainning tools that will help
professionals in their efforts to fight social exclusion.
Information about
the project will be disseminated in a careful way through the
website of the project and of each of the partners, giving attention
to the various stages and actions of the project.
The dissemination of
different materials (paper and digital) Profile form, Manual,
Guidelines and the training curriculum represent a range of
possibilities of diffusion of the overall project design. These
products and all information will be disseminated in the different
languages of the partners.
The process of
training of professionals, from the social and health fields, will
allow the sharing and dissemination of the products of the project,
in the form of teaching materials and trainning tools.
The final conference
will be essential to disseminate the outcomes of the project among a
wider audience.
At the end, partners
will be explicitly required to make available the design of the
project and its products to a broader public in ways compatible with
their activities institutional activities and on the web.
Erasmus+ has an open
access requirement for all materials developed through its projects.
If your project is producing intellectual outputs/ tangible
deliverables, please describe how you intend to ensure free access
for the public to a digital form of this material. If you intend to
put any limitation on the use of the open licence, please specify
the reasons, extent and nature of this limitation.
The results and the
productions of the project will be shared through the web site and
other social networks like facebook. The publications and the
seminaries acts will be able to be requested by the website. We will
send the results and the good practices manual also by mail at the
mailing list of every organizations involved in the project.
To ensure that the
project's results will remain available and will be used by others.
The project's
results will remain accessible on the website that will become a
tool (also after the end of the project) to maintain opened the
contact between organizations involved in the project. The tools
built during the project and collected in the good practices manual
will be used during the daily work of the organizations involved in
the project in a synergic way of collaboration with the
organizations not involved in this project. Social work is based on
network and every action is realized by various actors, so, using
the results of the project in our daily work will be a way of
sharing them with our daily partners.
If relevant, please
provide any other information you consider appropriate to give a
full understanding of your dissemination plan and its expected
impact (e.g. how you have identified which results are most relevant
to disseminate; how you will ensure the involvement of all partners;
how you see synergies with other stakeholders, etc.)
The dissemination
activity it will be composed by:
1) The realization
of specific media of diffusion, such as the integrate research
report, which will be prepared in English, and the realization of a
abstack research abstract in the original language for each of the
participating countries, to ensure a widespread diffusion
2) The adoption of
web tools linked to existent sites of the partners
3) the realization
of three exchange seminaries
4) the organization
in every country involved in the project of discussion table or
public events
Follow-up : IMPACT
--> What is the expected
impact on the participants, participating organisations, target
groups and other relevant stakeholders?
The project will be an
item on the curriculum of each organisation and it will be
incorporated in the learning activities of all project members. All
appropriate learners will receive information about the project, its
objectives and opportunities during their induction, on-going
training, etc as appropriate at the start of the project. This will
include language and cultural preparation. All learners will draw up
an Individual Learning Plan, which will identify their individual
aims and the expected benefits of the visit for them as well as
identifying the relevance of the visit to their curriculum and
future training or employment. On the return from their visit, each
learner will contribute to the Visit Report and be supported to
evaluate the visit against their Individual Learning Plan.
The impact we expect on
the partecipant is mainly the improving of the resources to approach
the condition of deep social exclusion. Building new tools and new
way to solve the difficulties and the complexity linked with the
homeless condition it will become a new way to work for the social
and sanitary workers employed in the organizations involved in the
project. All partners undertake to include the project as an
on-going item at all relevant meetings involving staff at their
organisation. We anticipate that visits may introduce partners to
new ways of thinking about, delivering and managing education and
training and it is anticipated that visits will have an immediate
effect on some partners, who will be able to adapt good practice
that they see in other partners. Based on the better understanding
of other partners', their cultures and methodologies we will involve
relevant new elements into our respective methodologies and modify
or update our respective organisational curriculums and practices.
What is the desired impact of
the project at the local, regional, national, European and/or
international levels ?
We envisage that this
project will have an impact within each partner organisation, each
region or country that the partners operate in and throughout the EU
via the identification and analysis of the differences and
similarities that leads to the recognition of common models,
protocols, guidelines, structures, mechanisms, policies, processes,
etc relating to good practice in the training of adults as trainers.
We expect the following specific impacts:
1. Learners (ie: social
and health workers employed in the organizsations involved in the
project) to better develop their individual skills and competences,
which will help them to improve their capacity to effectively
approach groups and individuals in the various marginalised,
isolated and vulnerable communities that partner organisations
engage with
2. Partner organisations to have identified models of
good practices in the contact, support and help of homeless people
and psychiatric distress people and this information to be
disseminated within each partner organisation, other organisations
working with the same or similar target groups in the partner
organisation's country
3. Partner organisations to identify models
of good practices in the monitoring and evaluation of training
learning by doing programme; this information will be disseminated
within each partner organisation, other organisations delivering
education to the same or similar communities in each country and the
wider lifelong learning community across Europe
4. Improvements in
the delivery of training to our learners (ie: our trainers) by our
staff We expect to gaining, at the end of the project, the
opportunity to show and share the results and the guidelines
elaborated with regional, national and european institutions to
discuss and propose new politics and new intervention strategy on
the homeless question. At regional level we expect the opportunity
to open discussion tables focused on the homeless question with
other organizations working on our same field and with the
How will you measure the previously mentioned impacts?
We will measure the
impact expected on the partecipant through the analysis of the
diffusion and the utilization of the tools built
during the project and of the good practices evidenced.
At regional level : The organization of meetings in regions to bring
as many actors together . The number of participants of this event
can show as an indicator of how much the theme of the project will
be disseminated. In addition, the number of press articles, the
visitors of websites and the frequenting of relevant forums of
social media more meaningful indicators that provide information on
the effectiveness of the project and its activities .
We will measure the impact expected at regional level through the
number of tables to discuss and share the project's results
Istitutional level We will measure the impact on the
institutions through the number of public meetings will be organized
and the opportunities we will realize to discuss and share the
project's results in the istitutional seats.
Another indicator will be
contacts resulting from the project work and people and institutions
have achieved in other parts of Europe.